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Build A 30 Year Fence

Build a dependable fence with dependable products!

Choosing the Right Posts

Wolmanized® wood is poles, piles, timbers, posts, or plywood that is pressure treated with CCA preservative to provide structural protection from termites and fungal decay. For 75 years, CCA treated wood has been specified in a wide variety of applications.

Keystone Fence Supply Company is committed to producing quality treated products that meet AWPA standards. A strict quality control program and on site lab ensure correct chemical penetration and retention. Available support from certified labs guarantees accuracy.

CCA treated wood products, when used as directed, offers decades of service, is safe to handle, safe to work with, safe for animals, and safe for the environment.

Forest to Fence Line

Keystone Fence Supply Company controls the entire manufacturing process of their agricultural fence posts. This allows them to provide a top of the line product.

The process starts by selecting southern yellow pine trees in the forest. Keystone Fence Supply Company then cuts the trees to length and runs them through a specialized post peeler. After being examined for quality, they are set aside to air season until dry.

The fence posts are then sent to a CCA wood preserving facility. After pressure treatment, the fence posts are ready to be installed in agricultural fencing applications.

Post Specifications

Species: Southern Yellow Pine

Chemical: CCA-C

Retention: .40pcf ground contact

Treated to AWPA Standards

Approximate 30 year service life

Loblolly Pine vs. Other Pine Species

Loblolly Pine is one of several pines native to the Southeastern United States. The wood industry classifies Loblolly Pine as a southern yellow pine. Loblolly Pine is the preferred choice for fence post manufacturing because it is easy to peel, easy to treat, and the strength characteristics exceed those of other popular tree species. Other species of trees also have symmetrical knots which cause the fence post to fail while driving it into the ground during installation.

US Forestry Table

Choose Bezinal Coated High Tensile Wire

When strength and durability matter most…

  • Outperform: Bezinal coating dominates equal weight galvanized coatings by at least 3 to 1.
  • Differentiate: Stand out by choosing a premium product for unparalleled craftmanship.
  • Augment: Add value by choosing the industry leader in fence coatings for over 130 years.
  • Consistent: High level manufacturing and quality control, made right here in the USA.

Benefits of Benzinal

Value to customers

  • Peace of mind knowing your fence has superior quality and performance backed by a manufacturer’s 30 year limited guarantee
  • Superior value: long life, easy installation, little to no maintenance, and lower total cost of ownership
  • A worry-free solution for protecting your animals
  • 100% American-made products
30 year guarantee

Coatings on Solidlock Pro 30 products are guaranteed to last at least 30 years.

Bezinal coating is a proprietary hybrid zinc-aluminum blended coating that outperforms other coatings by at least 3 to 1 for equal coating weights. Solidlock Pro 30 fence products carry the Bezinal coating and are guaranteed 30 years. The benefits are clear, choose Bekaert Wire with Bezinal for your next fence!

benzinal coatings

benzinal graph

Trusted, Reliable Fencing Products

Your one-stop shop for agricultural fence supplies.

keystone fence supplies



Build a 30 Year Fence


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